What is a full spectrum LED grow light
Full spectrum grow lights for indoor plants deliver all of the colors of light for healthy plant growth. Plants will photosynthesise and grow under any color or spectrum of light. However plant spectrum can effect the rate of growth and the shape of the plant.
A Full spectrum LED grow light will deliver the proportions of blue, green and red to optimise growth rate and plant shape.

The spectrum of the sun compared to grow lights

What effect do colours of light have on plants?
There are three bands of color or wavelengths of light in a full spectrum plant light.
Blue light (wavelengths 400nm - 500nm)
Green light (wavelengths 500nm to 600nm)
Red Light (wavelengths 600nm to 700nm)
The effect of Blue Light on plant growth
Blue light, which falls in the range of approximately 400 to 500 nanometers, is a crucial player in the growth of plants. Blue light is the least photosynthetically efficient in the PAR spectrum but is essential to regulate plant shape.
Increased blue keeps plants short and dense
Blue light can inhibit stem elongation, promoting compact and sturdy plant growth. This is especially important for preventing leggy or spindly growth in indoor plants. Less than 5% blue light in the spectrum will result in very 'stretchy' or tall plants which are not desirable in an indoor growing environment. Increasing the percentage of blue in the spectrum to about 15% will reduce plant height but increased amounts of blue will not reduce plant height further.
The Role of Green Light in plant growth
Green light falls in the range of approximately 500 to 600 nanometers. While green light is often considered less essential for photosynthesis, this is not the case. Green is more photosynthetically efficient than blue light and there are added benefits regarding whole plant photosynthesis.
Green light Penetration and Photosynthesis
Green light penetrates deeper into the leaves and the canopy of plants, reaching deeper into each leaf and lower leaves that might not receive as much blue or red light. These lower leaves can still contribute to photosynthesis, enhancing overall plant productivity.